Business and Investment Review
- Business and Investment Review (BIREV) is a scholarly journal dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the field of business and investment. We aim to provide a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights, discoveries, and innovations. Mission: Our mission is to promote rigorous and impactful research that contributes to the understanding of various aspects of business and investment. We strive to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, foster interdisciplinary collaborations, and influence evidence-based decision-making in the business world. Scope: BIREV welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics within the field of business and investment, including but not limited to: Corporate finance and financial management, Entrepreneurship and innovation, Marketing and consumer behavior, Strategic management, Organizational behavior and theory, International business and global markets, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility, Investment analysis and portfolio management, Risk management and financial markets, Economic development and entrepreneurship, Sustainable business practices
Title: | : | Business and Investment Review |
Publisher | : | Lenggogeni Data Publishing |
ISSN | : | 2986-7347 (online) |
Indexed | : | Google Scholar, Crossref, Base, Semantic Scholar, Indonesia OneSearch, Portal Garuda |
Citation | : | Google Scholar |
Archive Preservation | : | The Keepers (PKP PN), Internet Archive |
Issue frequency | : | 2 Monthly |
Indexed by:
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